Since formation over 10 years ago, we’ve tried to help and support as many consultants as possible with their tax matters – making bookkeeping and accounting simple and easy.
Around 2 years ago, following demand from consultants, we began our VAT journey to help support even more consultants with their business needs. Starting with a small group of just a few consultants, we began supporting their additional reporting requirements, and those of small businesses which had expanded beyond Slimming World matters.
We’re now pleased to formally launch our new accounts service for VAT Registered Consultants through our MalgraBooks VAT Service.
The service provides everything included within our Premium package, but also supports consultants with their additional responsibilities for VAT – such as sending quarterly reports to HMRC and ensuring VAT reporting of all income and expenses where appropriate.
With the additional quarterly reporting requirements, and the need to check each receipt expense and income item, there is more administration work involved with this, therefore the service is currently priced at £450 per year (including VAT).
This includes additional support with a named member of our team who will work closely with the consultant to ensure everything is compliant and ready for HMRC.
We’re very excited to rollout this service and make the option to upgrade available to more consultants, and further information is on the dedicated webpage.
If you have any queries, please contact a member of our friendly team.